The plot is located on a large wetland complex owned and managed by the WVDNR. It is probably the least disturbed floodplain on the Ohio River. Although there are many maintained wildlife openings. To the north-northeast 30m is a large Solidago rugosa opening. To the east 40m on a higher terrace is a forest of black walnut/black maple/Arundinaria gigantea. To the southwest, the silver maple forest continues.;Narrow band of deciduous forest along a small stream. The canopy of sugar maple is somewhat open. The forest floor is a dense stand of reed canary grass, Elymus and Verbesina alternifolia. All the trees lean out towards the stream
Plot is a large sized patch of silver maple/box elder/reed canary grass floodplain forest. Plot was placed to sample forest signature along unnamed tributary draining the Green Bottom Swamp. This is similar to stands observed at OHRI, only here there is